You represent the UASSP membership. You must be a member of UASSP and NASSP to qualify as a legislative council member. You are appointed by the Executive Board to be a liaison to the members of UASSP in your region. You will be meeting with the Executive Board at least twice a year.
Collaborate with Executive Board members and other Legislative Council members to determine the Legislative priorities for UASSP.
Connect with Legislators and State board members in your area and establish a meaningful, working relationship.
Communicate concerns and priorities to Legislators and State board members in your area.
Keep updated on education bills and priorities with state education and political leaders.
Mentor other principals and administrators in the state of Utah to “connect and communicate” with their local legislators.
Since you are representing the secondary administrators in Utah, when communicating with legislators and board members, you CAN use your school email.
Stay in contact with Todd Quarnberg (UASSP State Representative) and Rhonda Bromley (UASSP Executive Director) about educational and legislative issues and concerns. Todd – Rhonda – *Since you serve as a Legislative member, you will only need to pay half price for the summer and mid-winter conferences during the time that you serve.